Read Max
Read Max
[PODCAST] Google's AI Overview fiasco

[PODCAST] Google's AI Overview fiasco

PLUS: "All Eyes on Rafah" and the world's most dangerous app

Greetings from Read Max HQ! In today’s experimental audio product:

  • The Google “AI Overview” fiasco, why it was so funny/depressing, and what it tells us about Google

  • A theory about the “All Eyes on Rafah” A.I.-generated Instagram image and why it (and not others) went viral

  • My pick for “most dangerous app”

A reminder! We are still in the midst of a WEEK-LONG SALES EVENT, THE READ MAX PAY FOR MY SON’S SUMMER CAMP SPECIAL, during which Read Max subscriptions are a whopping 20 percent off. This event ends on SUNDAY, which leaves you only a precious few hours to simultaneously save money and also help me obtain childcare for my son for July so I can continue shitposting as a career.

Get 20% off for 1 year

Read Max
Read Max
Explaining the weird new future, one podcast at a time. Subscribe for internet culture, mega-platform grotesquerie, crypto conspiracies, deep forum lore, fringe politics, and other artifacts of what's to come.