Read Max
Read Max
[PODCAST] A guide to the new annoying A.I. influencer guy

[PODCAST] A guide to the new annoying A.I. influencer guy

Who is Leopold Aschenbrenner? PLUS

Greetings from Read Max HQ! Today’s Read Max Experimental Audio Product is a reading of this week’s newsletter, covering:

  • Who is “Leopold Aschenbrenner,” and why is he suddenly a top A.I. influencer?; and

  • A short history of the anti-woke finance grift, starring Bill Ackman and Vivek Ramaswamy.

A reminder: The Read Max Experimental Audio Product is supported entirely by paying readers. I’m able to spend time recording this podcast (and eventually moving it out of the “experimental” designation) because of the generosity of paying subscribers. If you enjoy having the newsletter read aloud every week, and you would price your enjoyment at $5 a month (one draft beer or Big Mac, roughly) or more, please consider signing up as a paid subscriber.

Read Max
Read Max
Explaining the weird new future, one podcast at a time. Subscribe for internet culture, mega-platform grotesquerie, crypto conspiracies, deep forum lore, fringe politics, and other artifacts of what's to come.