I realize this post is kind of old but I bought Neuromancer after reading it and not only is is the book great, it’s also a great book for anyone with a small child (or maybe an older child too but I can’t really speak to that). The book has lots of scene breaks, so you can read a page or two, which is ideal when uninterrupted free time is fond memory. Thanks for the rec!

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IMO the sequel Count Zero is even better--very similar but like an even more refined and cooler rendition. Glad you liked it!

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I would like to nominate this comment thread as the niche dad community we need.

We went with “Oh Crap!” as our toilet training book and I’d say it’s good -- like all parenting books it’s best to pick a single approach that lives up with your values and stick with it. You’ll drive yourself nuts trying to road test multiple.


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We also did Oh Crap! It was fine. I have joined and left a couple different fatherhood online spaces that just didn't feel right. The New Fatherhood substack was one of them! There's something about dadness that is weirdly hard to generate empathy around? Or it always feels self-serving? Or men are just too stereotypically limited in how they engage with their emotions? Here's a link to TNF if anyone wants to look at it. https://www.thenewfatherhood.org/

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Health insurance analogy notwithstanding, you're not going to find any English football fan who disagrees with your take on switching allegiances! My dad was practically outcast from my Leeds-supporting family for moving away from Yorkshire and raising me as a diehard Southampton fan.

You should support your local team and stick with them forever. Americans obviously don't have one, so they should at least stick with whoever they had the luxury of picking first. (Lord knows I wouldn't have picked Southampton.)

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For the record, by stress of the 2024 election I meant less technically and more culturally. Like a lot of people 2016 was when my Twitter usage turned into something much more all encompassing. Then I was off for a while, but back in 2020. It seems like an important part of some greater life-cycle and is also precisely when moderation decisions or other platform management things become more impactful. So I am interested to see how Elon’s reign affects the site’s ability to both revitalize itself/suck back in some walkaways and then also to manage the environment.

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This is sorta what I mean about Trump not being on it, though! Unless he dies or actually ends up in jail he's going to be the protagonist of the elections, whether as the GOP nominee or as a third-party spoiler. And if he's pointedly not using the site I feel like it makes Twitter feel less like an important central location and more like... just another of the many places we chat online.

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NBA Twitter is still going strong. It is the only corner of my feed that seems to have no public awareness or take on Musk’s takeover.

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i know you think you’re on easy street now that you have a functioning toddler, but be forewarned: 3-year-olds are TOUGH! I recommend How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen for the next stage.

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