Beautiful! Another thing is that Musk and Ackerman are both, by any objective measures, terrible fathers. So bad in fact, that they even lack the awareness that would allow them to confront this meaningfully -- become better person! be more interested in their child's interests! be present in their lives! -- and instead, go the lazy-man route: blame an imaginary woke miasma. The me that's the real blueprint: rich or broke, a shit dad stays a shit dad!

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Summary: Kid's rebelling against parents is part of growing up 101. What's new is the manbabies, whose worldviews are so skewed that they rebel against their children.

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Ultra-rich liberals feel like they should be congratulated for nominally holding views against their material/class interests. So then when someone points out that they are actually still bad by virtue of being ultra-rich regardless of whether they identify as a Democrat or not, they throw a tantrum and switch to the side that is shamelessly aligned with whatever rich people want.

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Maybe we can stop using 'anti-woke' and start calling it something less indicative of a clear binary. Maybe, 'woke-mongering'? (Neologisms are not my forte). These guys are who they've always been, and they use their anti-woke tirades as an excuse for why they are being pushed in the rightward direction they have, in reality, always maintained. But, make up and implement a derogatory term for a phantasmagoric ideology, and you can blame your insane selfishness on the people who are simply looking for a little justice, and then you can pull all the other fence-sitters over with you.

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I should also give Bill a little credit for his insight about becoming our names: I often eat more than I should.

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A small point on the footnote: I think another read of the rise of corporate DEI initiatives is that they provided, at least initially, a mild form of labor organizing in contexts where there is basically no outlet for that (largely among PMCs). This also explains why titans of finance, who are also tend to be anti-labor, can easily fall into anti-wokeness.

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i don't know the ins & outs of this, but i wonder if subconsciously Reeves Wiedeman was creating this narrative with his selection of quotes & examples

and obvi Max creating the narrative with his own selection of examples from the examples Reeves selected (meta!)

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This graphic is unironically helpful in plotting my novel in progress. Only the details will change! Ty!

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Too too too good. A golden bough to you.

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This is so damn good.

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