Regarding AI as a product, a friend pointed me to this sixteen year old Bruce Sterling talk that feels quite relevant to the current moment: https://vimeo.com/769193

(also, love the experimental audio product, but still stubbornly refusing to give substack my money... any alternative financing opportunities I'll be all ears to)

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I wish we had the option to bundle our subs. So many publications on Substack I want to subscribe to, but I have anxiety about monthly renewals -- even if it's only $5 or $10 at a time.

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Really like this audio version. I don't have time to read all of daily emails I get so this is a great format to have on while I work.

AI is so important to many people right now. As a long time software engineer and manager I see both it's positives and negatives. Would love to have more AI content.


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"...paying subscribers, whose generosity is matched only by their mental illness." 🤣🤣🤣

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