68 years old, a faggot, and my distaste for Pete has been salted to a new bitterness. Thanks, no thanks. Honestly, it's always been his "smugness" that I found off-putting, I just couldn't put my finger on what it was that bugged me about his personality. I suspect I know now. This from a dude who doesn't like generational warfare tactic…
68 years old, a faggot, and my distaste for Pete has been salted to a new bitterness. Thanks, no thanks. Honestly, it's always been his "smugness" that I found off-putting, I just couldn't put my finger on what it was that bugged me about his personality. I suspect I know now. This from a dude who doesn't like generational warfare tactics used by any the generations. I'm not sure when it happened, but Boomer has now become a curse word, without the need of a qualifier.
68 years old, a faggot, and my distaste for Pete has been salted to a new bitterness. Thanks, no thanks. Honestly, it's always been his "smugness" that I found off-putting, I just couldn't put my finger on what it was that bugged me about his personality. I suspect I know now. This from a dude who doesn't like generational warfare tactics used by any the generations. I'm not sure when it happened, but Boomer has now become a curse word, without the need of a qualifier.