The next generation of strivers may adopt a postironic take on this. Not just a formless blob that takes in all manner of schizophrenic political takes and then shits them out into appeals to a voter bloc. They will be more like Alex Jones in the sense that they will spout what they want to hear. They will be genuine believers, but their…
The next generation of strivers may adopt a postironic take on this. Not just a formless blob that takes in all manner of schizophrenic political takes and then shits them out into appeals to a voter bloc. They will be more like Alex Jones in the sense that they will spout what they want to hear. They will be genuine believers, but their schizoid timeline driven talking points will be filtered through the same engagement maximizing defense mechanism as the millennial striver. They'll self censor and focusgroup their off kilter beliefs to their followers, pivoting their own internal models and genuine sense of self as fit. While the next generation is more genuine, this new sincerity is dissonant with an ego driven mob mentality streak that is just as if not stronger than the millennial striver's.
Or maybe they're not so different after all. Maybe 10 years from now we'll have Mr. President Beast.
The next generation of strivers may adopt a postironic take on this. Not just a formless blob that takes in all manner of schizophrenic political takes and then shits them out into appeals to a voter bloc. They will be more like Alex Jones in the sense that they will spout what they want to hear. They will be genuine believers, but their schizoid timeline driven talking points will be filtered through the same engagement maximizing defense mechanism as the millennial striver. They'll self censor and focusgroup their off kilter beliefs to their followers, pivoting their own internal models and genuine sense of self as fit. While the next generation is more genuine, this new sincerity is dissonant with an ego driven mob mentality streak that is just as if not stronger than the millennial striver's.
Or maybe they're not so different after all. Maybe 10 years from now we'll have Mr. President Beast.