You've got it flipped. “The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind” is pretty much the color-blind Fourteen Words (no wonder 'boss on top' Musk is a fan). It's the industrial-strength FedSoc-approved conservatism of Pappy reaching for his Bible after smacking his wife for overcooked steak.
You've got it flipped. “The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind” is pretty much the color-blind Fourteen Words (no wonder 'boss on top' Musk is a fan). It's the industrial-strength FedSoc-approved conservatism of Pappy reaching for his Bible after smacking his wife for overcooked steak.
I think it's worth getting into this topic more in terms of identity politics specifically. I feel like the left sort of lost track of right-wing memes like 'identity politics' and 'virtue signaling' now that they're all competitively batshit and grifting one another. Buttigieg looks like a psycho because he's doing the right thing for the LGBTQ community. I think you're approaching the point where you're just hating on people who have actual investment in political outcomes (as opposed to general betterment of society, including Mom's petrochemical arms) on behalf of their family trees and friend circles.
Onepunman, have you heard of Wilhelm Reich? He was a tragic figure; he was a psychiatrist in the Freudian mold who had sex way too much on his mind, fell into disrepute as a kook in his later years, but made the same observation about the nuclear family as you did.
In 1933 Reich published "The Mass Psychology of Fascism," and he called family the "reactionary germ cell" of a fascist society.
You've got it flipped. “The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind” is pretty much the color-blind Fourteen Words (no wonder 'boss on top' Musk is a fan). It's the industrial-strength FedSoc-approved conservatism of Pappy reaching for his Bible after smacking his wife for overcooked steak.
I think it's worth getting into this topic more in terms of identity politics specifically. I feel like the left sort of lost track of right-wing memes like 'identity politics' and 'virtue signaling' now that they're all competitively batshit and grifting one another. Buttigieg looks like a psycho because he's doing the right thing for the LGBTQ community. I think you're approaching the point where you're just hating on people who have actual investment in political outcomes (as opposed to general betterment of society, including Mom's petrochemical arms) on behalf of their family trees and friend circles.
What they're doing is quite simple: they're acting.
Onepunman, have you heard of Wilhelm Reich? He was a tragic figure; he was a psychiatrist in the Freudian mold who had sex way too much on his mind, fell into disrepute as a kook in his later years, but made the same observation about the nuclear family as you did.
In 1933 Reich published "The Mass Psychology of Fascism," and he called family the "reactionary germ cell" of a fascist society.
Nein. Lifelong student of the Frankfurt School, contemporaneously with Reich. Woo versus kabbalah irl, who wins??
As a pro wrestling fan, I'm biased toward woo because it's what 16-time world champ Ric Flair screamed when he chopped someone. :)
I gotta go Evangelion featuring the Tree of Life in the intro