Now I'm worm-pilled.

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More seriously, I think there needs to be some investigation into the fine line between being "-pilled" and having brain worms. There's a clear path from one to the other, but they seem to be separate afflictions. For instance one could be "Tooze-pilled" (fantastic call on that BTW) by subscribing to his substack, devouring his books and following him on Twitter without getting brainworms. If Ukraine comes up in conversation with coworkers and you just lol and start yammering about heat pumps and Russian demands for the purchase of gas in rubles, or start shitposting about a Columbia professor, you probably have brain worms.

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Right, like maybe "pilled" is a the individual state but "brain worms" is the social disease.

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Remember that episode of Futurama where Fry gets worms from eating a truck stop egg salad sandwich and they make him smart, fit, creative, and deep? That episode was not about the internet.

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This comment section is the only "discourse" I follow.

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Now I have brain worms of brain worms

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*Walter White at the diner*

Max, what the fuck are you talking about?

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The Game is another such "cosmic curse." Dammit.

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