It's funny, I sometimes use a slot-machine metaphor from the reverse direction to explain why it makes sense to just keep posting -- it's like every pull of the arm is a chance for a payout (in this case, going viral). The more you pull, the better your chance is. (Though for the metaphor to work, it has to be a free-to-play slot machine, so it's not a great metaphor.)
It's funny, I sometimes use a slot-machine metaphor from the reverse direction to explain why it makes sense to just keep posting -- it's like every pull of the arm is a chance for a payout (in this case, going viral). The more you pull, the better your chance is. (Though for the metaphor to work, it has to be a free-to-play slot machine, so it's not a great metaphor.)
It's funny, I sometimes use a slot-machine metaphor from the reverse direction to explain why it makes sense to just keep posting -- it's like every pull of the arm is a chance for a payout (in this case, going viral). The more you pull, the better your chance is. (Though for the metaphor to work, it has to be a free-to-play slot machine, so it's not a great metaphor.)