Apr 21, 2022Liked by Max Read

I wrote my doctoral dissertation on these people and how they developed from old school white nationalism and the French New Right. You can find it freely available online under the title “The Kids Are Alt-Right” at York university if you’re curious.

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Google, Only More Racistly: a memoir

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in a more just world, you would have 12x the audience of fuckin'... weiss and those other shitheads.

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What a load of dreck. I've spent the majority of my adult life as a proud leftist, showing up for causes and doing far more for the downtrodden of this world than any Jacobin blogger and yet just because I don't fall in behind the current thing I'm part of the "new right"?!? Here's an idea, maybe there's a "new left" - one that doesn't believe in those quaint ideas like the right to bodily autonomy, freedom of expression or being anti-war. A loose coalition of groomer twitch millionaires, smug liberal commentators, racialist hucksters and authoritarian douche bags who rep for shitty geopolitics. Just because Thiel and Yarvin are just as annoyed with that group of shitlibs as people like me doesn't mean we're on the same side. Like a broken clock, those wankers can be right twice a day and still be rubbish. A more interesting and reality based assessment would be something along the lines of "why does America's political system let smug internet commentators think they're clever by calling anyone who disagrees with them a Nazi and right wing just because there's no serious third alternative to the utter shit show of Dems v Republicans?" But since y'all still laughingly think you're "the left", when my ol' grandpop the Irish dissident would have been throwing molotov cocktails through your windows screaming "die fascists" you're never going to ask that one are you. Get off my (leftist) lawn and take your stupid "in this house" signs with you, you sad excuse for corporate propagandists.

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The last question is the key one. Why do we have to keep coming up with new names for the people who want to get rid of democracy?

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Proposal for a Q5: Who's swindling who? It's probably easy for the twitch streamers and ketamine krew who have found this "movement" personally profitable to imagine that they'll be able to vibe shift away when the Thielbucks dry up. And it's hard to fathom how the doomed Vance campaign is ROI positive. But I feel like more than a few of them will end up holding the bag when an attempt at provocation goes sour. (See Baked Alaska w/ the Alt-Right). Worth remembering what the origin of the word "brand" is every now and then.

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